(instrucrion 14) on High Sierra logtalk download final last version

by geolabesrighpart


Main category: Development
Sub category: Compilers
Developer: Paulo Moura
Filesize: 18637
Title: Logtalk


e2408e65594144ba87490aaeff335546b7714ecdf6210564026851e7365e1f3f (SHA-256)
FIXED: Missing dynamic/1 directive for a logtalk_library_path/2 multifile predicate definition in the code_metrics tool.
Updated the Logtalk Windows installer in order to detect both XSB single- threaded and multi-threaded versions and to no longer create integration shortcuts for XSB versions older than 3.2.
SWI-Prolog version 8
IMPROVED: Section on contributions on the file.
First release of the Logtalk standard library of objects, protocols and categories.


Updated on El Captan tx32xb_version_3.27.0_logtalk.app
macpkg.icu?id=26980&kw=tx32xb_version_3.27.0_logtalk.app [21246 kbytes]

New MacOS M5Cl_ver_3.10.9_Logtalk.zip
macpkg.icu?id=26980&kw=M5Cl_ver_3.10.9_Logtalk.zip [16214 kbytes]

Best for El Captan Logtalk.v.
macpkg.icu?id=26980&kw=Logtalk.v. [15655 kbytes]

macOS Recovery makes it easy to reinstall the Mac operating system, even if you need to erase your startup disk first. All you need is a connection to the Internet. If a wireless network is available, you can choose it from the Wi-Fi menu in the menu bar. This menu is also available in macOS Recovery.
FIXED: The QuickCheck implementation in the lgtunit tool to prevent accidental binding of goal variables when shrinking it.
answered Jul 5 '15 at 18:09
Improved the "examples/" script in order to print the current time and date, plus the Logtalk and back-end Prolog compiler versions, and to abstract the different syntax requirements for initialization goals used by Prolog compilers.
Added a partial implementation of the ISO Prolog predicate_property/2 predicate to the ECLiPSe config file.
Modified the examples loader utility files to make only a call to logtalk_load/1 by using a list of entities. This should make it easy to modify these files for compilers that don't support arbitrary queries in a file.
Corrected an incomplete entity definition in the Logtalk XML DTD. Rewrite the Logtalk XSLT files for improved compatibility with XSLT processors regarding handling of whitespace.
Corrected a Logtalk compiler bug that allowed a predicate to be declared both dynamic and synchronized. Thanks to Paul Crocker for the bug report.

Logtalk vers 3.25.3 NiKJp 3.10.7 Featured to El Captan

App 3pRojx Logtalk v 3.10.7 3.14.0 New! version

App ver. 3.25.2 Logtalk w4LSDf 3.25.1 New Sierra

Get pxSF62 Logtalk v.3.20.0 3.11.0 10.14.2

Software vers.3.28.0 Logtalk i2l 3.25.3 Version for 10.14

Software LOGTALK VERSION 3.11.1 0WRQEY 3.26.0 Best on OS X

3.25.4 Logtalk yPy 3.10.8 Updated to 10.14.1

Recomended to 10.12.6 L185NV-MYADDRESS-VER-2.4.ZIP
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released May 15, 2019
